By on 28th November 2016

Music with meaning. Storytelling house and techno with heart and soul above all else.

We believe in music that tells stories: stories in sound. The tales we spin invite you to get lost in the narrative, to step into another world…re-emerging from reveries with new insights and altered perspectives.

The Book of Changes speaks of a new dawn, a rebirth, a turning point.

And so it is with Chapter 24: a return to the meaning and purpose of the early days of house and techno. A return to something you can believe in.

Over the coming months and years, the story of Chapter 24 will unfold across both digital and vinyl releases, as well as through tales told in mixes and podcasts. Our regular label showcases will bring the Chapter 24 family together. Everyone will have a role to play. Be a part of our story.








1-CoverAtapy Redub Chapter 24Rafael Cerato THe WHite SHadow Distance Chapter 24AFFECT-Polyhymnia-Chapter24

Malbetrieb-Meun-Chapter-24Cover_Lower quality JPEGSam-Pauli-Paul-Nolan-Atoms-Chapter-24Haxeri-North-Sea-Chapter-24

aesops-fablesKurt-Baggaley-Winterland-Chapter-24CH011-1-CoverCH010-1-Cover-v1CH009-1-CoverCh008-CoverCh007-CoverTWS - Goodbye EPStargazer-smallerKatrinKa-EchoGnomic-Cover-RedSamPauli-Implications-CoverQuartzCrystalsBiggerch001

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editions-compilationsED001-1-Cover-v1ED002-1-Cover-v1First Editions

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telling tales tales